The Acorns Careers Lead - Mrs Sue Stephenson 

Mrs Sue Stephenson can be contacted at the school telephone number: 01695575486 or email:

Careers information is updated annually, next update will be September 2024.

Careers at The Acorns School will engage all our pupils throughout their time at the school as part of their academic and personal development to discover, learn and aspire to a variety of careers and educational pathways that lead learners to establish sustainable and fulfilling careers.  The Acorns School is committed to fully implementing the GATSBY benchmarks in order to give our pupils the best chances they can to achieve in the future.


We provide our pupils with multiple learning opportunities to engage with the world of work through encounters with employers, professionals and opportunity providers allowing pupils to discover their strengths and interests whilst developing careers management skills that empower our learners to confidently move towards their career goals.


Every student at The Acorns School is entitled to a thorough, personalised and aspirational programme of careers events and personalised, independent careers guidance throughout their time at the school. They are given support to whichever route they choose, at the end of KS4.


Our Careers provision intent:

  • Learners develop short- and long-term careers goals by having multiple opportunities to encounter the world of work through visits, virtual workplace experiences and in school activities
  • Learners are taken on a continuous path throughout their education that develops their career and self- awareness as well as essential career management skills enabling pupils to make informed decisions and applications throughout their personal and professional life
  • Careers promotes and recognises a variety or careers and life choices and will always support pupils to make careers choices that reflect pupils’ individual aspirations and personal situations by delivering person-centred and just in time careers support to everyone at The Acorns School.
  • The careers program at The Acorns School thrives to involve our local professionals from colleges and Edge Hill University and employers in our community in supporting the delivery of Careers Education and we will always look for opportunities to engage with established and emerging partners to deliver a relevant and responsive careers curriculum.

For a more detailed provision for our young people please access the attachment.

Careers Information Advice and Educational Guidance (CIAEG)

Careers Information

Acorns Annual Careers Development Plan


Inspirational Videos

LMI We are Lancashire – The Place for Growth Video

Marketing Lancashire Freddie Flintoff Lancashire Battle Cry

Useful Websites

Careers Advice

National Careers Service

Careers Advice for Parents

Personal Development including PSHE


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